Titan SRMU Actuator Exhibit

For my senior design project at the University at Buffalo, I have the opportunity to work with a team of fellow students to design an interactive exhibit for the Niagara Aerospace Museum that will display and demonstrate the functionality of a Titan IV rocket actuator. Throughout the fall semester, my team worked to iterate several designs and presented our final concept to the board of trustees at the museum, in order to secure funding for prototyping in the spring. Additionally, our final poster presentation was awarded first place out of 62 projects at the university’s Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Senior Design Poster Competition. Currently, my team is constructing a small-scale prototype as proof of concept for our design; the prototype will have joystick control and use an LCD screen to display a digital twin of the rocket bell and demonstrate how the rocket would change direction due to actuation.


Winged Wonders: Land Design